Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Showing the Love

Sure, it may be someone's birthday, and we will celebrate that to the extreme, but right now I am going to show some love for stuff, not people.


I married someone who hangs up all of their shirts. All of them. The assimilating type, I now do the same. For one thing, my knits don't get wrinkled anymore. In addition, things don't really get lost in a dark drawer. That brings me to my LOVE of these velvet hangers. Try them! Even the slinkiest of tank tops will not slide off. I bought a pack of 20 a while back, but then I was at Freddies, and I found this pack of 40 on clearance for $7. 

Who goes out for coffee? Not us! We got this little espresso maker in Italy and have been rocking it every day (two or three times a day) since then. This one is COOP (the co-op grocery giant there), but we've used a Bialetti, too. 


I love New Seasons! We buy almost all of our groceries there. When people boo-hoo and say it's too expensive, it's probably because they're buying delicious food like this foccacia. I think this is probably $4 or $5, but it's soooo good! Note: We usually just buy ingredients to make food, not already prepared food. And, yes, that includes bread. I like to pretend I was never a baker and am off the hook from bread making, just like I am off the hook for laundry!

Gotta jet and eat some b-day cake. Maybe I'll add onto this lame list soon.

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